Mrs. Stephanie Roberts

2nd Grade Teacher

Tell us about your family.  I have been married to my husband, Ryan, for 17 years and we have two beautiful children, Chloe and Memphis. Chloe is 3 and attends K3 here at Praise and Memphis just turned 1. We are involved in our church, Poplar Springs Baptist Church, where my husband plays the drums and I am involved heavily in the children's ministry. 

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?  We enjoy spending time on the lake, playing games together as a family, and I enjoy doing crafty things. 

What might our readers not know about you?  I was a pastor's wife for a bit of time when my husband served at a church in Florida and I absolutely love coffee any time of the day!!

What do you love most about your job as a teacher?  I love getting to see kids excited about learning and doing hands-on activities with the kids. Teaching is the calling God has placed on my heart and life and I am so glad that I get to use the gifts He's given me on a daily basis. 

What do you love most about Praise Academy? I love that God comes first and He is the foundation on which everything else is built on and that I feel like I am part of a family at Praise. 

Stephanie Roberts